Friday, April 4, 2008

Another social network--Classmates.Com

OK. This one you will have to trust me on. I can give you a picture, but I can't link you into my profile without giving you my password. And that ain't gonna happen!!!

The home page for this social network is You start by selecting your state and then the city or town where you went to high school. Then the site tells you how many classmates they have listed on the site from your school. And they ask you to fill out some information about yourself. You can upload your picture after that. After you are in, they send you an email message with your password. You can change the password at any time. You can fill out more information about yourself and write a brief catch-up bio about yourself, which they will make available to your classmates. I think you are limited to your school, as far as whose information you can see. You can do make privacy decisions about how they may use the information you post.

My picture on the site should look familiar. This social network looks like it has potential for me. And it does. Of course it comes with a price. If I want to play, I will have to pay! I'm going to have to think about this long and hard.

I have done some exploring on the site and found a fairly good representation of my classmates on this site. It occurs to me that, if they use people's day to day email addresses for the mail, I would have a good chance of reconnecting with a number of friends from my past. I even found my brother registered.

Without paying, you can set up an informational profile, and have a limited amount of time to post to a message board, besides being able to see who is a member. To send email, set up smaller private groups for sharing photo albums and participating in their message boards you have to pay--quarterly, yearly or biennially. But this site has definite possibilities over the social networking sites used the younger crowd.

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