Thursday, March 20, 2008

Picture editing with LunaPic Online

This was my favorite Blue 2.0 activity so far. I have lots of pictures to play with from my trip to Scotland four years ago. I chose the "Free online image editor" which turned out to be LunaPic. This site seems like it has limitless possibilities to edit, including some that I use all the time with Adobe Elements. (But please don't take my Elements away.)

The image on the left is of the Castle at St. Andrews. It was actually a beautiful day, with big white puffy clouds in the sky. The effect I used was animation-pouring rain! It looks great animated, but I couldn't seem to save the animation. It didn't like my RealPlayer version. It makes for an interesting jpg anyway.

The image on the right is a picture taken on the Isle of Skye. The effect is called
Photo Spread, I think. It was the example they had on their site and I thought this picture would work well. The picture at the right is a jpg. I first exported it as a gif, but it cut the top and bottom off the picture, and I didn't think it was as effective.

There are a lot of normal editing things you can do on this site, like change the brightness of the picture and work with red eye problems. I didn't upload any people pictures, but the red eye reduction would be something neat to test. I have more problems with my cat pictures and red eye!

I would recommend this site to anyone who wants to edit pictures, particularly to use in their digital or online scrapbooking!


Beth said...

Beautiful shots, Tari!

Andrew P. said...

Thanks, Lunapic is really cool service. Another site like this is - funny pictures - they make a new collage every day!